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- Georgia Ann | TLC by the Lake
< Back Georgia Ann Maggie never left her side during her knee surgery!!!! Previous Next
- Teddy Bear | TLC by the Lake
< Back Teddy Bear Hello Trudy, just wanted to say thank you. The male poodle I purchased from you is amazing. We named him Teddy Bear because that is not only how he looks but his personality as well. He loves to be held and kissed and snuggles with me constantly. Keeping in mind he is a six month old forty pound lap dog. LoL. He is so sweet. He loves everyone but make no mistake....he would protect me in an emergency situation. He is so intelligent and learns new tricks all the time. He is very well behaved. My groomer told me that they all fight over him during his appointment. During our walks, everyone comes out of their houses to stop and visit with him. He is a magnet for children. He seems to instinctively know to be extra gentle with them. His wonderful color always draws compliments as well. Thanks again for a wonderful dog who got the very best start in life thanks to you and your expertise. I would most highly recommend you. The love and support you offer are invaluable. Sincerely, M. Brown Previous Next
- Bess - Female
< Back Bess - Female F1 Standard Sheepadoodle Eye CERF-clear/ * v Wd-clear *Penn Hips -clear/ Heart- Good *OFA Thyroid-Clear From Bess' Guardian Home "Bess is loyal, affectionate & well behaved! She loves to play frisbee and is very good with other animals as well as children!"
- TLC Puppy Training | TLC by the Lake | Poodle and Doodle Breeder
Family run breeder of AKC/CKC Standard and Moyen Poodle, Standard and Mini Sheepadoodle, Standard and Mini Bernadoodle, Medium and Mini Goldendoodle. TLC Puppy Pampering Training p2368_orig_edited p333 p309 p2368_orig_edited 1/5 TLC Puppy Pampering Training The first weeks home with a new puppy are long and intensive. Puppies need out every 15 min if loose in the house at 8wks of age. If in a playpen about every 20-30 min. If in a crate every 1 1/2- 2hr. The first week is the most stressful week of puppy ownership. Puppy pampering is a one week extended stay. Where we work on: 1. Individual Crate Training Night and Day 2. Socialization 3. Leash training 4. Socialization 5. Beginner potty training 6. Socialization 7. Community Trips 8. Socialization 9. Beginner Basic Commands. Sit, Stay, come, down. 10. Confidence Building We take them to the Vet for Second DHLPP and Bordetella (Kennel Cough $40) Vaccines at 9wks or older when age appropriate. Puppy will start learning basic behaviors and socialization skills in a positive home environment. Your puppy will enjoy family life comfortably in the name of training. Puppy pampering is gentle, kind, effective, and sensitive to the fact that puppies are babies. Short sessions through out the course of the day. During the 1-4week program, the puppies will learn: Day and Night individual Crate Training, where they will go in and out of their crate on command, and to sleep in their crate with no problem at night; Beginner Leash Training, where they will learn to walk on a leash beside the human; Basic Commands of sit, down, (1 wk training); wait and a recall (come after they wait 2-4 wk training). They will be taught several times per day, Potty training will be strongly under way. When they are first taken out of their crate or pen, they will be taken outside to potty. The basic training will be started but it is important to continue the commands and method used by the trainer to continue the success after going home. You will receive video and text updates throughout the weeks so you can see your puppy's progress. If you pick up here at TLC your trainer will meet with you to show you how to be successful. If you choose the Frederick, Md option when it is time to pick up your puppy, your trainer may be not available to go over in person but is always available to talk to you on the phone. A Week is $600.00 After week of training completed, Fee is non refundable. TLC by the Lake Puppy Pampering has higher up spots on the deposit wait lists, paid for by those that want puppy pampering. If you are interested in puppy pampering and would like one of the available higher up spots on the deposit wait list, please let us know and the Puppy pampering fee would need to be paid at that time. If you want to stay on the bottom of the wait list and still have puppy pampering at time of Selection that is ok then you will not need to pay for pampering till 8 weeks. If you are using one of the Puppy Pampering spots to become higher up on the wait list please fill out the form below and make payment at the time of booking/application. First Name Email Last Name Email What litter are you currently on the wait list for? TAP ORDER NOW & PAYMENT BUTTON Order Now Thank you for your order! Submit payment next. PAY VENMO PayPal includes fee: $622.20 Venmo and Zelle do not have fees: 1. Puppy pampering is $600 per week INCLUDE DETAIL OF PURCHASE Venmo: Trudy-Pickrel Zelle: 301-501-1818 PAY ZELLE View our shop Shop Now
- ​Charity - Female
< Back Charity - Female AKC Old English Sheepdog 26" Tall and 70+lbs Eye CERF-Clear/ * v Wd-clear *Penn Hips-Clear / *Penn Elbows-Clear
- Jenna Belle - Retired Mother
< Back Jenna Belle - Retired Mother AKC/CKC Standard Poodle TLC Matriarch 2005-2017 PD-03454341 24"Tall and 55+lbs Eye CERF-clear / * v Wd-CLEAR *OFA Hips-Good / *OFA Elbows-Good / *OFA Thyroid-NORMAL DOB: 12/10/05 - 4/14/17 * AKC/CKC registered "TLC of the Lake's Jenna Belle" Three of Jenna's puppies are in Service dog training with Susquahanna Service dog. Three in Canada. Multip. in Medical, Service and Therapy Work. She is champion AKC Grand Sired. Belle is the top of the line when it comes to Standards.
- Nia
< Back Nia ACK/CKC Moyen Poodle 40lb / 21" Tall OFA Hip-Pending/elbows-normal Eye CERF- Clear / * v Wd-clear Heart -Clear / *OFA Thyroid-Pending
- Truffle/Jet's Standard Poodle | TLC by the Lake | Poodle and Doodle Breeder
Family run breeder of AKC/CKC Standard and Moyen Poodle, Standard and Mini Sheepadoodle, Standard and Mini Bernadoodle, Medium and Mini Goldendoodle. Mom and Dad's litter of Standard Poodles Learn more about Poodles here! Read More Puppies Available APPLY SELECTION DAY ...... First Appointment at 10:00 am Please Note Times may change right up until night before selection day due to families high up on list picking early or families dropping off at last minute. Please watch here for changes. Appointment in order of Deposit Date These are only estimated START time for your Appt. These Times can change right up to night before Selection day Parents Mom and Dad Read about Mom Read about Dad Mom's Females APPLY #1 Female- Purple Collar - On hold until we know who is available on selection day Born MM/DD/YYYY am oz Ready MM/DD/YYYY #2 Female- Teal Collar - On hold until we know who is available on selection day Born MM/DD/YYYY am oz Ready MM/DD/YYYY #3 Female- Pink Collar - On hold until we know who is available on selection day Born MM/DD/YYYY am oz Ready MM/DD/YYYY #4 Female- Peach Collar - On hold until we know who is available on selection day Born MM/DD/YYYY am oz Ready MM/DD/YYYY #5 Female- Yellow Collar - On hold until we know who is available on selection day Born MM/DD/YYYY am oz Ready MM/DD/YYYY #6 Female- Pink Stripe Collar - On hold until we know who is available on selection day Born MM/DD/YYYY am oz Ready MM/DD/YYYY Mom's Males APPLY #1 Male- Blue Collar - On hold until we know who is available on selection day Born MM/DD/YYYY am oz Ready MM/DD/YYYY #2 Male- Red Collar - On hold until we know who is available on selection day Born MM/DD/YYYY am oz Ready MM/DD/YYYY #3 Male- Orange Collar - On hold until we know who is available on selection day Born MM/DD/YYYY am oz Ready MM/DD/YYYY #4 Male- Black Collar - On hold until we know who is available on selection day Born MM/DD/YYYY am oz Ready MM/DD/YYYY #5 Male- Green Collar - On hold until we know who is available on selection day Born MM/DD/YYYY am oz Ready MM/DD/YYYY #6 Male- Blue Bone Collar - On hold until we know who is available on selection day Born MM/DD/YYYY am oz Ready MM/DD/YYYY APPLY Pick up/delivery day .......'s Litter ........, YYYY 10:30- 11:00 AM 417 S. Jefferson St., Frederick, MD 11:00am, McHenry, MD Please confirm with us if you will be picking up Frederick or McHenry. Pittsburgh airport pick up, for those flying out, MUST be arranged with TLC before making flight arrangements! Previous Puppies Not for Sale Questions? Email us here! First Name Last Name Email Write a message Submit Thanks for submitting! We will be in contact very soon!
- Miles-Male
< Back Miles-Male Future dad 25" Tall/ 65lb Eye CERF-Pending * v Wd-clear *Penn Hips-Clear / *Heart-Clear Available for stud to approved female, stud fee $2000 Must be Brucellosis And CHV tested.
- Chile | TLC by the Lake
< Back Chile Trudy, Wanted to send you a recent update on Chile (photo attached) She is doing very well. Now 11 weeks old and 14lbs / 15" at the withers. She knows how to sit, stay, shake and lay down. She loves to sit on the porch and watch what is going on in the neighborhood. Also getting pretty good at fetching and returning. Super DOG ! Thanks..more updates to come ! Savanna/Romeo puppy Kevin and Linda W. Previous Next
- Minnie - Retired Female
< Back Minnie - Retired Female AKC Old English Sheepdog 23" Tall and 69+lbs Eye CERF-good/ * v Wd-clear *OFA Hips-good / *OFA Elbows-good
- Delivery/Pick Up | TLC by the Lake | Poodle and Doodle Breeder
Family run breeder of AKC/CKC Standard and Moyen Poodle, Standard and Mini Sheepadoodle, Standard and Mini Bernadoodle, Medium and Mini Goldendoodle. Delivery & Pick Up What if you don’t live within driving distance of TLC and can’t come pick up your puppy at our home in McHenry, MD? Then you have several different options for you to pick from! Directions to TLC by the Lake Hotels by TLC by the Lake You are always welcome to pick up here at McHenry, MD by appointment at 8 weeks of Age. 1886 Mosser Rd McHenry, MD 21541 At 8 weeks of age we deliver 1 time per litter to 417 S. Jefferson St., Frederick, MD on a weekday at 10:30 AM. There is a spot just passed McDonalds and the Quick Lube where we will meet you. $50.00 if several families are meeting there. $150 if we have to make a special trip for 1 puppy. Please note that our puppies safety is very importance to us. Therefore, we do not ship our puppies via cargo. Airport Drop Off For those a long distance from TLC and you would like to come and pick up your puppy in person and fly back with him/her, then this pick up option is for you! I, or a member of my staff will meet you at Pittsburgh, PA, International Airport with your new puppy and all The Supplies that you will need to fly back with your new furry family member. This option is $300 and includes a brand new Airlines approved Sherpa travel crate (, one toy with sibling smell on it, one extra chew, a portable water/food dish, puppy pads, grooming wipes, and the necessary paperwork to travel with your puppy. *Airfare for the puppy is not included (the airlines must be notified about puppy when you book your returning flight. $95-$125 per airlines paid at check in on returning flight) You must let the airlines know you are traveling with a Pet Ahead of Time. Puppy Nanny Delivery If you don't have time to come pick up your new puppy then hand delivery by a TLC staff member that has been with the puppy from birth. This may be available to one of your nearest airports in the lower 48 states. Please note that This option is only available on an EXTREMELY LIMITED basis. The cost for hand delivery starts at $900+/- . Contact us for more information on availability Flight Travel Age United: 8 wks of age puppy Jet Blue: 8 wks of age puppy American: 8 wks of age puppy Southwest: 8 wks of age puppy Spirit: 8 wks of age puppy Alaska: 8 wks of age puppy Delta: 10 wks of age puppy Shop Travel Comfort Kits Shop Here! Shop Puppy Starter Pack Shop Here!